2021-04-12...We’re excited to have you join us. Sketchpad is a one of a kind web-based sketching tool for teachers, students, artists, and other individuals. It is simple to... 286
2020-11-17... Vim是从 vi 发展出来的一个文本编辑器。代码补全、编译及错误跳转等方便编程的功能特别丰富,在程序员中被广泛使用,和Emacs并列成为类Unix系统用户最喜欢的文本编辑器。Vim的设计理念是命令的组合。用户学习了各种各样的文本间移动/跳转的命令和其他的普通模式的编辑命令,并且能够灵活组合使用... 139
2020-11-14... Regex101 allows you to create, debug, test and have your expressions explained for PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript. The website also features a com... 117
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