ufqi logo This page contains some raw ideas coming from UFQI on Internet .


1. General-Targeted Ajax, GTAjax, an useful Ajax toolset. Since Feb 2006.


2. UFQI Editor, ufqie, an online html editor with WYSIWYG function. Since June 2008.


3. A Hash-based Secure Interface on Plain Connection, a pdf version will be available soon.
This paper proposes a hash-based secure interface between two ends on the internet, especial between two partners or two web pages. Digital signatures and public-private keys are traditionally used to provide integrity and authentication. This paper proposes an alternative method which uses a shared private key and a public hash function for a message that is sent over a plain connection without losing integrity and authentication.
It had been nominated as "One of the Best" in "European Cup 2011 of IT Security for Next Generation", Erfurt, Germany, December 2010.


4. Pivot Table, Pivotab, the source code will be provided soon.
It is a software desgin to handle data analysis with large scale dataset, which exceeds the capacity of Microsoft Excel, e.g. single file size > 4 GB, records > 1 million.


5. General Tabling, GTab, is a Java-based, phpadmin-like tool, which provides agile interfaces for Java websites applications. Replaced By gMIS.


6. ILinking, is a compact and closed address book for groups which need share contacts inside. E.g. UoD-MSc.-Comp


7. Base62x, an alternative way to Base64.
We give the proposal that it uses 62 characters to represent all 8-bit bytes with similar algorithm to Base64. This will give great liberty to traditional Base64 for most symbol-sensitive applications, e.g. IP address notations, file systems, and safe transmissions of non-ASCII over Internet.
It had been accepted by "COMPSAC 2011" for inclusion as a fast abstract, Munich, Germany, April 2011.


8. IPv6 Address Notation(textual representation): Dot-Base62x, This proposed new scheme of IPv6 address notation presented by this paper is called dot-base62x. And it has the following features:
	Encoded in Base62x
	Dot-separated six segments
	Prototype length: 22 codes + 5 dots = 27 characters
	Character range: 0-9, A-Z, a-z


9. GWA2, is an web application architecture.


10. -NatureDNS , -自然域名 , -NatureDNS 自然语言式域名 是下一代互联网的寻址系统。-NatureDNS is the addressing scheme for future Internet.


11. -WebGet , An emulating tool for http requests in command line. 一种Web请求的命令行工具, 与 Wget 命令类似. 是 telnet 的取代工具.


12. -21cell , 21格表, 21天行为修正、习惯养成辅助工具, is an assistive calendar for behavior modification and habits development.


13. Chat With AI from OpenAI ChatGPT, 与人工智能对话.
Since Feb 2023.


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Since April 2011